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Add or import labels to your tree

Write your tree labels manually or import your information architecture from a spreadsheet.

Updated over 7 months ago

There are two ways you can build your tree in the tree testing tool: build it directly in Optimal's tree testing tool or create it in a spreadsheet then import it in.

Why should I add my tree manually into the tool?

This is useful if you’re creating a brand new structure to test, or making small changes to a tree you’ve already built. You can then download a CSV file from the tree testing tool so you have a spreadsheet copy of your tree as well. To retest the same tree, simply duplicate the first test and make any changes in the new study before relaunching.

Why should I import my tree?

Creating your tree in a spreadsheet and then importing it is a simple way to build the tree you want to test. You may already have access to a spreadsheet sitemap if you’re improving an existing website. Having your tree on a spreadsheet will make testing different versions of the same tree quick and simple.

How to write your tree labels manually

To type in your labels, double-click the label field or click the notebook icon on the right. To add lower level labels (known as 'children' of the higher level labels) click the + symbol on the right of the higher level label above it.

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: press enter to add an item directly underneath. Or press tab to indent the current item, which will make it a child of the one above.

In the following example, the highest level label is 'Home', and its first child is 'Accounts and cards'. To add another child at the same level as 'Accounts and cards', you can either click the + icon on the 'Home' label, or press enter after typing in a label on the same level:

To add a third level, click the + icon next to the second level label. In the example below, the label 'Credit cards' and 'Accounts' are children of the node 'Accounts and cards':

How to import your information architecture from a spreadsheet

First, you need to format your information architecture so that each level of your tree is represented by a column in your spreadsheet. You could add a 'Home' (or similar) label to the top left cell but if you don't, a top label will be added for you.

When you click 'Bulk import' you'll see a pop up window with an empty text box. Highlight the full contents of your spreadsheet (or just the cells that represent the entire tree) and copy and paste it into the empty text box and click 'Import'.

If your tree test won't accept your spreadsheet, check that all labels on are on their own row in the spreadsheet.

Highlight and copy the sitemap on your spreadsheet

Paste your labels into the empty text box

And here's what your tree will look like

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