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How to import transcripts into Qualitative Insights
How to import transcripts into Qualitative Insights

Learn how to import interview transcripts into our Qualitative Insights tool to easily create and tag observations.

Updated over 6 months ago

How to import a transcript?

You can add a transcript to a new or existing study in our Qualitative Insights tool with just a few clicks. After recording an interview or user testing session, open your Qualitative Insights study and click ‘Sessions’ then ‘+ Transcript.’

Add a session title, any session information or a link to the video for future reference in the session information box. If you have created segments, choose which ones apply to this participant; you can update these later at any time. Then click ‘import transcript.’

Click ‘Select transcript’ and ensure you made any edits before importing it. This feature supports .vtt, .srt, or .txt files. Now, click Capture observations’ to complete the import and create and tag your observations.

You will see your transcript displayed. If you use a .vtt or .srt file, you will see the speaker names have been identified. You can update the speaker names by clicking on configure speakers.

How to create observations?

To create observations from your transcript, simply highlight text, enter a new tag or select an existing one, then click create an observation.

There is no limit to how many transcripts you can import. This means you can import all your past and future interviews, ensuring all your research data is in one place for easy access and analysis.

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