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How to replace study participants in-app

Learn more about how to replace participants in-app and our participant response flagging feature

Updated over a week ago

It’s now easier and faster to recruit participants for your studies if you’re using our in-app participant recruitment tool.

Image of the in-app recruitment table in Optimal Workshop

There are 3 ways to recruit participants in Optimal Workshop:

  1. Share the study URL with existing contacts, customers or users on your website, email or social media

  2. Use our in-app recruitment feature which allows you to use recruitment credits to source targeted participants

  3. Use our custom recruitment service where our team uses very specific criteria to find participants for you

You can read more about the last two here.

Flagged participant responses

If you’re using our in-app participant recruitment feature, it’s now easier for you to spot participants who may not have completed your study correctly and replace them.

If a participant exhibits some dubious behaviour, their response will be flagged in-app in OptimalSort and Treejack. We recognise that studies can be written in different ways so this flag is created to identify potential poor-quality participants, but we leave it up to you to make the final decision whether to remove them or not.

An example could be participants that choose 'incorrect' destinations. This could indicate a different mental model for solving a task, which is crucial information when you are conducting a tree test.

Example of what a flagged participant response looks like

Automatically replaced participants

We have automatic checks in place to identify poor-quality participant responses before they are shown to you. These participants are replaced immediately at no cost and their response won’t even make it into your participant results. These checks are being monitored and updated regularly, to continuously improve the quality of participant responses.

Easily replace participants

If you find yourself with a flagged participant or one that doesn’t provide the data you’re after, you can quickly and easily replace them in-app.

Simply select the participant and click ‘Replace this participant’. Your study will then be shared again and the participant will be replaced within 4 hours. We offer unlimited participant replacements in-app within 30 days of their response.

Use screeners to make sure you're recruiting the participants that are right for you

While our flagging and replacement functionality will help filter out participants who may not fit your criteria, we still recommend creating a screener. Screeners act as an added check to ensure you’re getting the right participants for your study.

You can read more about how to create a good screener here.

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