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Troubleshooting Figma

If you’re experiencing issues with your Figma import, check out this list of common errors to identify what needs to be updated.

Updated this week

Why am I seeing “File does not exist or not accessible” when uploading?

  • Make sure you have copied the prototype link and not the design file link. You can get the prototype link from two places, the prototype view (play icon), and the design file the blue ‘share’ button. If you share from the prototype view, you can click ‘copy link’ in the top right, the heading of the pop-up should say ‘share this prototype’. If you share from the design file, you should click ‘copy prototype link’ at the bottom of the pop-up, which will be titled ‘share this file’.

Ensure your privacy settings are correct:

  • If you’ve granted Optimal Workshop access to Figma, your design file can remain private.

  • If you haven’t granted access, set your design file to ‘Anyone with the link can view’ so we can upload the prototype.

  • Additionally, the prototype itself must also be set to ‘Anyone with the link can view’ to ensure your participants can access it.

Double-check these settings to avoid upload or sharing issues!

Not all my frames have uploaded?

Is your Figma prototype over 100 frames?

  • There is a limit of 100 frames per upload. We recommend reducing the number of frames to improve loading times for participants and simplify your analysis.

Only the frames inside the flow you preview will upload:

  • Copying the prototype link from ‘Prototype View’ will only import frames from the flow associated with that link. Double-check to ensure all necessary frames are included.

For example, the screenshot above has 3 separate flows in it, signup, home, and transfer. If you preview the 'home' screen, only the frames inside that flow will be imported. If you have multiple flows that need to be imported we suggest either connecting the frames to import, and then disconnecting, OR, creating seperate studies for each flow.

My frames are displaying too long?

There are two options for how you can fix this issue:

Option 1: Set a custom height

  1. In Figma, go to the Prototype tab and open the prototype settings.

  2. Click on the Device dropdown and set a custom height for your frames to crop at.

  3. Preview the changes in the prototype preview to ensure the height works as intended.

This approach adjusts the interactive areas of your prototype, including:

  • Preview

  • Correct pathways

  • Participant experience

However, it won’t change how frames appear in thumbnails. If thumbnail cropping is necessary, consider Option 2.

Option 2: Shorten frames and enable vertical scrolling

  1. Adjust your frame heights to the desired display size and clip the content.

  2. Enable vertical scrolling for frames requiring additional content below the cropped area.

This option will crop frames in all contexts, including:

  • Thumbnails during setup

  • Path views in analysis

Important Note: Clickmaps will only display interactions within the visible clipped area. Any clicks below the fold will not be recorded on the clickmap.

We recommend Option 2 only if cropped thumbnails are absolutely necessary. To avoid confusion, ensure your frames are clearly named to accurately represent their content.

Why am I seeing “No images found” when uploading?

This could be because your flow lacks a ‘starting point’ so when we ask Figma’s API for the starting node, the request returns empty. You can add a starting point to the first frame of your flow by opening the prototype tab and clicking the plus icon next to ‘flow starting point’.

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