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Chain multiple studies together

You can chain multiple studies together by using the Redirect URL setting. Here's what you need to know.

Updated over a week ago

To chain multiple studies together, you can use the Redirect URL setting in the Messages & Instructions tab in Treejack, OptimalSort, Chalkmark or Questions.ย 

Add a Redirect URL to your first study

  1. If you want participants to complete an OptimalSort study and then a Treejack study, for example, set up both studies to launch at the same time.

  2. Go to the Messages & Instructions tab in OptimalSort and enter the URL for your Treejack study into the Redirect URL text box.

  3. Modify the Redirect URL to link the participant identifier (see below).

Identifying participants in chained studies

To make things easy for yourself and participants, you only need to ask participants once for their email address or other identifier. The next study completed by the participant will automatically contain the identifier you asked for in the first study.

In the Messages & Instructions tab of your first study, add ?i=[ENTRY] to the end of the Redirect URL (which will be the URL of the next study you want them to complete.) So if this is the URL of your second study:

the Redirect URL you enter into the first study will look like this:

When participants finish your first study, they'll be redirected to the second study and '[ENTRY]' will be replaced by the identifier they provided at the start. So if you ask participants to enter their location and they write 'London', the next study URL will look like this:

Using questionnaires in chained studies

Responses to pre- and post-study questions from your participants won't be carried over to the next study.

If you want to ask questions related to the specific studies, you'll need to set pre- and post-questions up in each study. You could tell participants in your Welcome message that they'll be asked the same questions at the start of the second study.

If you are asking general information, such as demographics, you could also ask them only in the first study, and match up the results manually.

Chaining studies is great but don't go overboard

You can chain as many studies together as you like, across all 3 applications. But you need to keep the attention spans of your participants in mind when you do this. Your participants may get bored or run out of time completing too many studies in a row, so you could risk high abandonment rates. This will depend on the participants you recruit and the complexity of your studies.

It's OK though โ€” even if participants drop out along the way, you'll still have their previous responses.

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