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Create accounts and sign in using Google Sign-In
Create accounts and sign in using Google Sign-In

Learn how to use Google Sign-in to create an Optimal Workshop account, or link it your existing account.

Updated over a week ago

The Optimal Workshop platform now allows new users to create an Optimal Workshop account and use Google Sign-In. Google Sign-In is fancy speak for “signing in to your account with your Google account”. For those in the know this is based on ‘OAuth 2.0’, an industry standard for authorization.

This means that new users who choose to sign in using Google will not need to worry about remembering a dusty password. Instead, access to Optimal Workshop is one click of an authorized button away.

Here are the details:

New Users

  • Can sign up with google

  • Can change their account email address to not be the one paired with their google account

  • Can set their first and last name

  • Can only log in with google

  • Can’t set a password

  • Can accept User Invites, while creating or logging in through google

Existing Users

  • Can link their current OW account to a google account if they choose. Yay!

Got further questions? Here are some awesome FAQs:

Q: Are we planning to add other OAuth providers?

A: Not in the foreseeable future!

Q: Can I have a password and a Google login?

A: No - one or the other at this stage.

Q: What’s the advantage?

A: Don’t need to remember a password anymore! And you still get to pick the email address where all our beautiful marketing materials go. Organisations can easily administrate their user accounts via their GSuite admin platform (e.g. revoke access to their Google account will also revoke access to OW).

Q: I set my email to something different than the one on my google account, is that okay? 

A: It needs to be an email we can reach you at, especially if you ever need support, but we can still log you in through that Google account just fine.

Q: Help I lost access to my Google account!

A: Please speak to our awesome Customer Success team at

Q: I hit ‘Log in with Google’ but it told me to log in with a password?

A: We already have an account with that email registered! Please forage for your password and log in traditionally.

Q: I hit ‘Log in with Google’ and now I can’t find any of my studies?

A: You probably made a new account! If your Google account’s email is different to your OW email, we probably thought you were a new person.

Your old account is still there, accessible with your usual password, but if you’ve done anything you’d like to keep on the new one then please speak to our Customer Success team at

Q: I signed up with Google but I'd like also to have a password, so I can share my account with everyone else in my company?

A: It is against Optimal Workshop’s terms of service to share accounts across users. You can read about our terms of service here.

Q: What if I don’t like Google or I don’t have a Google Account?

A: You don’t have to sign in with Google if you don’t want to, and we will never force you to.

Can’t see the burning question that you needed answered? Never fear - contact the Customer Success team and they will help you continue you on the path of success -

There and back again: How to connect and disconnect your existing Optimal Workshop account to your Google account.

Connecting your Optimal Workshop account to your Google account:

You want to click on the 'My Profile' section of the drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the screen when you log in. Once you have done that you will see the below screen:

You want to click on the blue, delicious "Connect Google account" button - which will enable you to then decide which Google account you want to connect to your Optimal Workshop account.

Once you make your choice, you will be called upon to enter in your current Optimal Workshop account password so that we can be assured that you are you and not some kind of dastardly infiltrator.

Then Boom! You have linked your Google account to your Optimal Workshop password and no longer have to worry about remembering your password. High five!

Disconnecting your Google account from your Optimal Workshop account:

If you decide that you want to disconnect your Optimal Workshop account from your Google account - that process is just as easy.

Click on the 'My Profile' section of the drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the screen when you log in. Then click on the blue, delicious "Disconnect Google account" button.

You will then receive an email from Optimal Workshop allowing you to create and set a password for the account.

Once you have done that - you will have successfully unconnected your Google account from your Optimal Workshop account. High five!

If you have any questions about your account and connecting it with your Google account then the lovely Customer Success team are always happy to help. Get in touch with them at

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