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Recruit your own participants

Use your own channels to recruit participants for your studies

Updated over a week ago

There is no added cost on top of your Optimal Workshop subscription to recruit your own participants. Make sure to check how many participant responses you can collect per study on your current plan.

If you have time on your hands, there are a variety of ways to recruit your own participants:

  • send email invitations to your subscribers and users

  • use the intercept snippet to create a popup study invitation on your website

  • share via your social media channels

  • use participant screening tools

Send email invitations to your subscribers

You're welcome to manually send your study link to whoever you like!

Newsletters and email mailing lists can be very effective to reach your desired audience. Some companies have panels of customers who have agreed to participate in future research. You may also have your own in-house panel from which you can recruit.

It's best to send invites out in small batches so that you can stop when you have enough and reserve the rest for the next round, when you've learned something and want to iterate your study and run it again.

Build a popup invitation for your website

With the intercept snippet feature you can create a custom code snippet that will serve as a popup on your website.

Head to the 'Recruit' tab of any live study to find the Intercept Snippet.

Take the code generated and paste it into your web page. We recommend placing this code just before the </body> tag to allow the entire page to load before the popup is triggered. If you are not familiar with editing html, ask a technical person or your webmaster to help.

Use your social media channels

Using your social media channels is great for finding people with similar interests online. If you know where your target audience is, then go there. Are they on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or a specialist forum or blog?


Tweet about your study and send a link to your followers. Include a retweet request at the end of your message, so that when your followers, and your followers-followers, respond to your Tweet your original message is included in their Tweet, helping you reach a wider audience.

Monitor hashtags on Twitter to see if there is an audience or topic relevant to your study. Tweet about your study using these relevant hashtags. Check your competitors' hashtags too.

Facebook and LinkedIn

Aside from simply posting your invitation on your Facebook and LinkedIn pages, you could search for groups that are representative of your audience and invite them to participate. You could also consider buying an ad on Facebook, and writing a compelling invitation that will encourage people to participate.

Use participant screening tools

A participant screener is a separate tool (often a snippet of Javascript code) that you put on your website to intercept visitors for surveying. Tools like Ethnio intercept visitors to your website, screen them based on survey criteria, and send point suitable candidates at your Optimal Workshop study. This is both effective and easy to set up.

We integrate with Ethnio, which you can find out more about here. There are other screening tools you can use as well.

Need some more help recruiting participants?

If you’re working to a tight deadline, looking for participants who meet specific criteria or just having a hard time finding people for your study, we can help. We have a participant recruitment service that will help you find participants quickly and easily. Read more about recruiting with Optimal Workshop.

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