In this article, we’ll advise on recommended best practices for:
Testing a mobile screen or app prototype via desktop
Prototype testing on mobile devices
Testing a mobile screen or app prototype via desktop
If your participant is accessing your study via desktop, you can take these steps to ensure your mobile prototype is as readable and large as possible for your participants.
Adjust Figma prototype settings: Ensure your Figma Prototype file is "Set to No Device" under the Figma prototype settings. This ensures the mobile screen will display at its full width without any buffer space above or below. Participants can scroll to view the rest of the prototype if content extends below the fold.
Handling fixed mobile menus: If your prototype includes a fixed menu (e.g., a persistent navigation bar at the bottom), set a custom screen height in your prototype settings. This ensures participants experience the prototype as intended, including the fixed menu.
Prototype testing on mobile devices
If you have a desktop prototype: We recommend that participants test desktop prototypes only via desktop for the best experience. To help screen out participants accessing the study via their mobile device, we recommend adding a screener question to ask which device they are currently using to access the study.
If you have a mobile prototype: Please be aware that the prototype study tasks are positioned at the top of the screen, with your mobile prototype appearing below them, reducing the visible area of your prototype. To allow participants to see more of your prototype, we recommend targeting desktop-only participants by adding a device screener question.