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Card sorting

Learn how to build, run and analyze your card sort studies
24 articles
Guide to using session replay
Placing your categories in categories of their own
Participants adding cards to your card sort
Demo: Card sorting
Add or import cards to your card sort
How to write effective card labels
Create categories for a closed or hybrid card sort
Add messages and instructions to your study
Add participant screening questions
Add pre- and post-study questions
Upload images to messages and questions
Choose between an open, closed, or hybrid card sort
Customize participant options in cards and categories tabs
Run a closed sort to prioritize content
Segment your participant data in card sorting
How to use the Cards tab
Understand and standardize categories
Interpret dendrograms for open and hybrid card sorts
Understand the similarity matrix
Interpret the participant-centric analysis (PCA)
Interpret the standardization grid for open and hybrid card sorts
Interpret the results matrix for closed card sorts
Using the 3D cluster view (3DCV) visualization
Download your card sorting results as spreadsheets