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Add tasks to your first-click test

Learn how to add tasks to your first-click test and how to write a good task.

Updated over a week ago

How to write tasks

Select the image you want to test in the drop down box. If you've only uploaded one image, there'll be only one image to choose in the drop down box. If you've uploaded more images, you'll have more than one to choose from. You can select the same image for more than one task.

Write your task into the text box. Remember that this is a 'first click test', so participants need to be able to find a definite spot they'd click first. You will probably have a correct answer in mind for that image. Write tasks that:

  • are clear and contain a direct instruction

  • don't directly reference any words used in your image. Don't say "Where would you go to get help?" if you have a link labeled 'help' instead try "you are having difficulty with our tool where would you click to get more information on using it?"

  • are representative of tasks your typical users want to complete on your site.

For example, instead of saying 'You need to find out about monthly plans', say 'You're currently paying for cell phone credit as you go. Work out if a monthly plan would suit you better.'

And instead of saying 'You want to find out about the kind of accessories we sell', say 'You've heard that bluetooth headsets are great for taking calls while you're driving. Find out if we sell bluetooth headsets.'

To add more tasks, click 'Add task'. You can choose another image to write a task for, or you can choose the same image.

Decide what constitutes a correct first click

To help you in your analysis, you'll find it useful to establish exactly what constitutes a correct first click. You probably know where participants should click if they want to be taken to the correct place.

Task Options

There are a number of ways you can customize the way participants are presented with tasks and the options available to them.

Allow participants to skip tasks

Depending on the nature of your study it may or may not be appropriate for participants to skip tasks that aren't relevant to them or that they aren't sure about. You can control this option via the 'Allow participants to skip tasks' checkbox.

Start tasks immediately

When checked participants will be asked if they are ready to start before each task begins via a button.When unchecked tasks begin immediately after the previous one is completed.

Randomize task order

If the order in which participants take your tasks isn't critical you can randomize the order in which they are presented to reduce the risk of earlier tasks biasing responses to later ones.

When randomized task order is enabled there are two additional options

Don't randomize the first task

Check this option if you'd like task 1 to be presented to every participant as their first task. This could be a fixed warm-up or training task.

Show each participant X task(s)

In addition to randomizing the task order any given participant will only see the number of tasks you select. This can be useful if you have more tasks than it is reasonable to expect any single participant to complete as it distributes your complete set of tasks over multiple participants.

Decide how your images should react to participant's screen sizes

Your participants are likely to be using a range of desktop and mobile devices with different screen sizes. You can use the Image Options control to determine how you would like your images to behave for different screen sizes.

Scale on small screens

Images are fixed on larger screens, and scale to fit on screens < 768px wide.

Scale to fit

Images scale to fit screens smaller than the full size of the image.

Never scale

Images are displayed full size and overflow on smaller screens.

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